Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sense of Direction Survey

Zach Mathisen



Sense of Direction Survey


What year are you at EWU?

            This is my senior year at EWU.

Do you own a car?

            Yes, I have a Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.

Do you have access to GPS (e.g., in car navigation, GPS enabled cell-phone, handheld GPS)?

            Yes, I have multiple GPS apps on my phone.

Are you good at giving directions?

            Most of the time I am, as long as there are good landmarks for me to go on, I am not so good in remembering street names.

Do you remember where you left things?

            Yes most of the time.

Are you good at judging distances?

            Short distances yes, such as I have a good idea what the length of a football field looks like (100 yards) but it is hard to judge long distances in miles for me.

Is your "sense of direction" good?


Do you think of your environment in terms of cardinal directions (N, S, E, W)?

            Yes after taking Intro to Field Research and the Map Use and Analysis courses.

Do you easily get lost in a new city?

            Yes, but that’s part of the fun in exploring a new city.

Do you enjoy reading maps?


Do you have trouble understanding directions?


Are you good at reading maps?

            A little yes, but there is always room for me to improve.

Do you remember routes very well while riding as a passenger in a car?


Do you enjoy giving directions?

            Most of the time, as long as I know what I am talking about.

Do you find it important to know where you are?

            Yes I like to know where I am.

Do you usually let someone else do the navigational planning for long trips?

            No, I like making my own travel itinerary when taking road trips.

Do you usually remember a new route after you have traveled it only once?

            Sometimes if I am paying attention.

Do you have a good "mental map" of your environment?


Without referring to any outside sources (e.g., maps, internet, etc.), please answer the remaining questions.





How many miles away is Couer D Alene from Spokane?


            Approx. 30 miles


During GIS I in the Computer Engineering Building, which direction are you facing?


Do you usually try to sit in the same seat or area in your classes?


Which direction does the top or head of your bed point?


When was the last time you used a map?

            Fall Quarter in Intro. To Field Research class.

Which online mapping service do you use most to get directions or to locate places?

            Map Quest

Enter the two-letter post code abbreviation for your home state (e.g., California = CA; New York = NY, etc.). If you don't know the postcode, just guess. If your home is not in the US, enter "XX".


What is the approximate population of the United States?

            320 million people

Which country does NOT border Afghanistan?


Where do the equator and prime meridian intersect on the surface of the earth?

            0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude.


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